
Models and Algorithms for Network Planning Tools - Practical Experiences


Jukka K. Nurminen

Nokia Research Center

P.O.Box 407, 00045 Nokia Group, FINLAND



Systems Analysis Laboratory Research Reports E14 May 2003


In this paper we consider different types of models and algorithms for network planning tools, in particular, from the point of view of the user needs. We discuss issues such as the significance of full optimality, adaptation to changes, usability of the models, and the model and tool development effort. Different approaches, mathematical programming, stochastic algorithms, functional modelling, and the use of special purpose algorithms are discussed from the perspective of how well they serve the various user needs. Based on our tool development experience, a practical incremental development scenario is proposed, and the role of the different modelling approaches in the scenario is discussed.


practise of OR, telecommunications, planning, decision support systems, networks and graphs